Why is it painful for the back

The structure of the muscle-skeletal System is not set up so that no muscle, no bone, no bone, no muscles work independently of each other. So, if the dorsal musculature is weak, and problems with the back not long have to wait. To suffer In the first line begins at the posture and the person feels the discomfort in different activities. But, of course, not every type of pain can explain in the back to weak muscular corset, and a lack of exercise. There are several preconditions for the emergence of episodic and chronic pain.

Episodic Pain

Pain in the back

Episodic back pain, it is called a temporary phenomenon, disappearing suddenly and without a trace. Such Instant-attacks in connection with serious illnesses or serious injuries, but they can indicate what the body is experiencing discomfort or suffered from a heavy burden. If you leave a longer period of time, such signals of the body without attention, episodic pain can be chronic. You, what you should consider in such a Situation:

  • Excessive muscular strain. In the case of prolonged elevated stress episodic pain can be chronic to. You can easily observe the bent of a gradual deterioration of health for passionate gardeners, gardener, gardeners, who spend a lot of time. Of course, in the work on the ground has its advantages, the only Alternative is to work with relaxation, it is important, and properly distribute the load on the body. To lift to disrupt often begin with back pain after the raising of the standard of "fracture". Remember that heavy lifting from a sitting Position should be, so the main stress goes on the legs. But when lifting in the usual manner to a load, bend in the belt, then the main load receives the spine and the problems do not have to wait long. But do not think that in the absence of physical overloads, are you in pain against the back. Prolonged standing in the same Position in front of the Monitor or television also damages the spine, such as the work on the beds. Therefore, the "issues note" with the back you turn into your daily Routine exercises for the back and life, to rethink style and discomfort disappear.
  • Sedentary work, long trips, and the uncomfortable Position of the body during sleep. All of these points lead to episodic pain in the lower back, pain can sensations becoming more insistent and longer. It should be understood that a wrong body posture to a compression of the blood vessels, leading to a reduction in the flow of nutrients to the muscles. So do not forget every hour to make Training or gymnastics for the back. And the problem with bad place to sleep should you solve for a radical, as this can lead to the development of degenerative disc disease.
  • The Sub-Cooling. Standing for long periods outdoors in cold weather, draughts, wind, and the work of the air-conditioning is the cause for a sub-cooling can. The consequences of such a Situation are "back pain" in the back or a sharp pain occurs, the people are not free to move (lumbago). In such cases, you need to anoint the healing, dry heat, and ensure a state of tranquility. In the case of strong sensations analgesics is recommended.
  • Muscle strain, bruises and injuries. Falls and injuries can be pain in the back, but proper treatment can prevent the consequences. Minor injuries the rest and analgesics, injury to the loss of hard disks and other serious problems, in-patient treatment in the hospital to be treated. In the case of serious injury can be a constant companion, and chronic pain in the back.

Chronic Pain

Chronic back pain can not be ignored, you can indicate that diseases of the spine, or "interference" in the functioning of the internal organs. Self-medication is not allowed, since the person can without medical aid will not correctly identify the cause of problems, and not to spend, therefore, able to appropriate, effective treatment. The main causes for chronic back pain can be:

Gründei Back Pain
  • Myalgia. Banal hypothermia could be in a chronic inflammation of the tissue, the so-called myalgia Inflamed tissue muscles exert pressure on the nerves and leads to pain. Not curable myalgia leads to loss of sensitivity.
  • Osteochondrosis. This disease often occurs on the background of the excessive muscular strain, lack of exercise, improper diet. In the case of osteochondrosis is a degenerative lesion of the joints, loss of elasticity of the spine and the reduction of the distance between the discs occurs.
  • Foramina Hernia. This pathology is more common in people over 40 years, occurs due to the compression of the spine. Not only is the distance between the vertebrae, but also the destruction of the intervertebral discs is reduced. This painful condition successfully treated, especially timely, and endurance.
  • Spondylolisthesis or bulging of the vertebral Discs. In this case, the manual therapy should not be used, is different need an MRI and to a neurologist consult.
  • Ankylosing spondylitis, or inflammation of the ligaments and joints of the spine. The person will often feels the wailing pain in the loin. The disease progresses quickly and is for the whole spine.
  • Curvature of the spine. First Stoop, after the scoliosis and kyphosis.

Take care of yourself, because every disease is easier to prevent than to cure.